Pepper Clothing -Shipping Policy

What are the delivery charges?

Delivery charge varies with each Seller.
Sellers incur relatively higher shipping costs on low value items. In such cases, charging a nominal delivery charge helps them offset logistics costs. Please check your order summary to understand the delivery charges for individual products.
There is a delivery fees per item for orders totalling less than Rs 500.

Delivery Timeline:

Possible delivery date discrepancies may result from holidays between order placement and delivery.
Some partners do not operate on Sundays.

Estimated Delivery Time:

Depends on the seller, product availability, and destination.
Business days exclude holidays and Sundays.

Hidden Costs:

No hidden charges; list prices are final.
Delivery charges, if applicable, adhere to the seller's policy.

Varied Delivery Times:

Influenced by product availability, seller location, shipping destination, and courier partner.
Enter your pin code on the product page for precise delivery times.

Shipping Limitations:

Verify serviceability on the product page.
Dependent on seller preference, legal restrictions, and courier partner availability.

Product Tags:

In Stock: Delivery time specified based on location.
Available: Item can be procured; delivery time depends on procurement and shipping.
Preorder/Forthcoming: Expected release date provided; shipped on release day. Out of Stock: Currently unavailable; use 'Notify Me' feature.
Back In Stock Soon: Popular item temporarily sold out; orders can be reserved.